Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Review: Earth's Best Baby Food

Before feeding Colin solids I was doing a lot of research. I didn't know what to feed him, how often, and when. I read the Gerber website and a few others including Earth's Best. I found the most helpful information on the Earth's Best website in terms of when to introduce what foods. The Gerber website spit me out some outrageous daily feeding plan that made no sense and appeared to having him eating every hour or so. I also liked the Earth's Best information b/c it went right in line with what my doctor recommended for Colin.

When I bought his first baby food I bought a mixture of Gerber and Earth's Best. After a few feedings I was looking more into the ingredients of the food and noticed in the Gerber ones that "tuna oil" was listed along with a bunch of other things. I looked at Earth's Best and it was just veggies/fruit and water. I was really grossed out by the thought of tuna oil. Aren't they supposed to stay away from fish for the first year - at least!?

I read online...evidently the tuna oil provides the DHA that Gerber boasts about in their products. I was still super grossed out. You have to understand that I don't even give a recipe a second thought if it includes ketchup, mayo, vinegar, or (until recently) sour cream. If I couldn't eat it I won't feed it to Colin. I think that is only fair. The only thing I will say is that just b/c I don't like a veggie I won't avoid it for him. I just mean stuff that truly grosses me out.

I will also say that he honestly likes the Earth's Best food better. He never would finish the Gerber stuff and will usually clean out a jar of Earth's Best. His favorites so far: Carrots (#1!!), Sweet Potatoes, Squash, Pears, Apples, and Corn & Butternut Squash. Not into: Peas and Prunes. Doesn't seem into yet but we are giving it a few more chances: bananas, green beans, and banana oatmeal & mango combo. He also really likes their pear juice.

It is a little more expensive but I try and stock up on his favorites when I see them on sale. And it ends up being less wasteful b/c he finished an entire jar. I haven't tried any of there other products (teething biscuits or cereal) so I can't comment on those. He does enjoy the Gerber Puffs - when he get them in his mouth!

You can find Earth's Best in most stores with the baby food. I get mine at Publix, Target, and Whole Foods. Coupons are also available on there website.

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