Friday, June 13, 2014

Making Baby Food

Since Charlie has been a really good solids eater, I've been making his baby food. I've been using a combination of recipes from Pinterest and baby food cookbooks that I've borrowed from friends and the library.

I make up batches of each and freeze them in ice cube trays for easy portion measurement. Here's where I am.

1. Peas
2. Squash
3. Green Beans
4. Sweet Potato
5. Carrots
6. Apricots
7. Blueberry Sauce
8. Peaches
9. Cherries

Now here's the breakdown on how I made each.

1. Peas
I like to keep it easy. So I bought a bag of frozen peas, cooked in the microwave according to package directions, cooled, and then put through the food processor or blender. Add water as necessary to produce the consistency that your baby prefers.

2. Squash
I don't know much about buying these, so to keep it easy I bought a packaged of squash already cut into chunks that microwave in the bag. After they cooked I allowed them to cool and then pureed in the food processor.

3. Green Beans
Just like the peas, I purchased frozen and cooked according to the package directions. I allowed them to cool then processed through the blender, adding water as necessary, to get as smooth as I could. (I found peas and green beans hard to get to the right texture. I end up mixing them with other purees to get Charlie to eat them, so it hasn't been a huge issue.)

4. Sweet Potato
These are SIMPLE. I wash, pierce, and then roast in the oven until fork tender (425 degrees for 45-60 minutes). Once they are cooled, I scoop out the insides and send them through the food processor until smooth.

5. Carrots
Charlie hasn't been huge into his carrots, so I've only done this one once. I simmered baby carrots in a sauce pan until fork tender. Once cooled, puree the carrots and add water as needed to get desired consistency. 

6. Apricots
Charlie LOVES these. Take 1 cup of dried apricots and 1 cup of water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer until they are fork tender, about 10 minutes. Allow them to cool and save the liquid from cooking. Put the apricots in the food processor or blender. Add back the cooking liquid while pureeing to get desired consistency. Sometimes I have to even add more water than I cooked with to get it as smooth as I want it.

7. Blueberry Sauce
You can use fresh or frozen blueberries. I use froze because I can keep them on hand and when I run out of some already made, I can whip up another batch. If your using frozen berries, thaw them. Then puree until smooth. Send it through a fine mesh strainer to get out all the pieces of skin that didn't puree. Heat the sauce over medium-low heat in a sauce pan for 3-5 minutes.

8. Peaches
I used frozen on these. Pour a 20 oz package of frozen peaches and 1 cup of water into a sauce pan. Bring to a boil and then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Allow the peaches to cool, then add to the food processor or blender and process until smooth.

9. Cherries
I used fresh for these, but you can use frozen (I probably will next batch). If they are frozen, thaw them. If using fresh, wash them and remove the pits. Puree in a food processor or blender until smooth. Add to a sauce pan and heat over medium-low heat for 3-5 minutes.

Not pictured - Pears
He ate all of these so I didn't have any to take a picture of. I have a bunch sitting on my counter now, just waiting for them to be ripe so I can make him more of these. Quarter and core 4 ripe pears. Bring 1-inch of water to boil in a pot. Add the pears to the steamer basket and set in pot. Steam  for 7-10 minutes or until they pierce easily with a knife. Allow the pears to cool then scoop the fruit out from the skin and puree.

Judging by most recipes, you can keep the purees in the fridge for up to 3 days, or freeze them for up to 3 months. I freeze the purees in an ice cube tray and then move them to freezer bags. Each morning I pull out what I will use that day. If they aren't thawed completely by the time I get to them, I heat them in the microwave on a low power.

We mix a lot of these purees and that will be another baby food post - flavor combinations. 

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