Monday, October 24, 2011

Let's talk lunch

I do a pretty good job of putting a super yummy meal on the table every night for dinner. But where do I have trouble? Lunch.

Lunch gets boring. Yes, leftovers are always an option. But I am not a huge leftovers fan. I don't really like to eat the same thing for the next meal. I don't mind eating it for dinner one night and then the next, but I don't really get excited about eating it for dinner and then lunch the very next day. Give me a 24 hour waiting period before I eat it again. Weird, I know.

On Pinterest this weekend I saw a link to this: Project Lunch Box.

If you work, you don't have the option of just walking to your fridge or pantry and whipping something up for lunch. Even if it is just a box of mac n' cheese on the stove top. We don't have a stove at my office. Buying lunch out gets to be expensive and is honestly not healthy. Don't get me wrong. We like to eat out. But we limit it. If I make the food I can control the sodium, fat, amount of whole grains, and choose all natural and organic ingredients. If done right, it can also save you money.

Now that I follow this blog, I plan on getting some new lunch ideas and posting them here. I want to follow her idea of using the reusable plastic containers that have three divided sections. I plan on making most of my lunch ideas cold so that nothing has to be removed before heating (like fresh fruit). And cold lunches are great for picnics. My plan is to also make these the night before while the kitchen is already a mess from dinner. Then we just have to grab them from the fridge in the morning.

(I'll add pictures of the lunches at some point. I am not so great at taking pictures of food. I don't know the tricks.)

So look for my "Let's talk lunch" posts for lunch ideas. Please leave me comments of your own lunch ideas so I can try them out.

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