Friday, September 26, 2008

My Coffee Allowance

Andrew and I get a coffee allowance. Because if we didn't, who knows how much we would be spending on specialty coffee beverages a month. To keep us in line, I jumped online to order a couple of Starbucks re-loadable gift cards. But I didn't get just any gift card, you can now DESIGN your own! After playing with it for a while and stressing about which I liked better (yeah, I worry about small details like a color or simple picture...I need to lighten up) I ended up with a simple card that I could put a drink order and my name on. I thought it was cute and the most uncluttered of the choices. Check it out:

Mine lists a Non-fat, No-Whip, Peppermint Mocha. Yum! Perfect for the upcoming cold weather!

Note: I can totally see how some can see this as a completely waste of time and money, but I like having things that show my personality.
Also, I get to go to the Cheesecake Factory tomorrow! Which means while I am there, I will also have to do a little shopping and visit Whole Foods Market. I am looking forward to tomorrow.
And, I am still hungry and haven't found any breakfast yet.

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