Monday, October 5, 2009

Christmas Shopping

Santa has started doing some Christmas shopping. He figures since he is spending money of toys, he may as well buy enough different ones to last until Colin's birthday.

So I have been looking at toys ranging in age 6-12 months. I found a toy that play music and is kind of like a "band" and eventually turns in to a pushing toy to help him learn to walk. I played with it in the car on the way home...and it was so completely annoying!

I returned it, and found one that did the same thing and doesn't require batteries and only makes "clicky" noises when we play with it. It is no where near as fancy, but it will keep me sane. I figure if EVERY OTHER TOY I have thought about getting him makes noise, he won't mind one that is a little more quite.

In my defense, it wasn't even a toy that just makes noises when he hits the piano or guitar button. When you flip this plastic piece that is supposed to be a page of music, this woman starts singing and DOESN'T STOP. It goes on forever. And the sound settings are Off-Loud-Louder.

No buying toys online until I try them in the store to asses the noise annoyance level. On a scale of 1 to 10, the one I am returning is a 10. I will only purchase the ones that are a 7 or less...and I may send the loud ones with Colin to Mamaw's house while I am at work. Just kidding - that's mean.

1 comment:

  1. That is something I did NOT expect with baby toys....I swear all of them are musical!!!

    You can always buy a toy and just not put in batteries :) I have done that with a few.

    And make sure to look for on/off switches! We have gotten a few without them (as gifts) and I HATE them!!
