Thursday, October 29, 2009

Red knees to prove it

Colin has been working so hard to get up on his hands and knees. Yesterday I noticed he got up onto his knees and his forearms. He trying to hard to support that torso and will probably get there sooner rather than later. I was taking these photos of him while we practiced sitting up (with the boppy for his inevitable random falls to either side).
Look at his poor little knees. They are so red from the carpet. Momma is going to go buy some more babylegs to cover those sweet knees while he is learning to move around. Why not just stay in pants?? Because I like him in jeans...and they just aren't efficient for learning to move.

He also wants to stand. All. The. Time. He loves playing in the Rainforest Jumperoo more and more every day. Yesterday, for the first time, I saw him playing with one of the toys on the activity tray that surrounds it.

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