Saturday, January 8, 2011

I am now that mom

Picture it: we are grocery shopping on Friday afternoon. Colin just got done with his 18 month checkup (26lbs - estimate, he was not cooperating - and 33 inches!) and had to get 4 shots. I took in his sippy cup b/c we also went by the bakery to get him a sugar cookie. After devouring that cookie and washing it down with his remaining milk he pointed at the brand new gallon of milk in the cart. He tried to pick it up and obviously wanted more. I actually started to open the new milk and pour it into his sippy while we were in the frozen food section. I then decided he was fine and I was not opening a gallon of milk that would surely spill.

And he was fine.

We got our fruit and he wanted a banana. The thing about the banana is, you pay based on weight...and they can't weigh a banana after he has eaten it. So I hid them under other stuff and kept going.

Then I noticed those Buddy Fruits were on sale! I threw a ton of them in the cart. He then pointed and wanted one of those.

So right there I popped open a Buddy Fruit and let him eat it. I never thought I would let him eat food at the grocery b/f I paid for it, but I did. And the cashier even offered to throw away the empty package after she scanned it. =)

That was my eventful Friday.

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