Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight - the movie

What word can I use to describe this movie? Oh yeah - BAD! Seriously a disappointment. If you hadn't read the book and went to see the movie, you would be lost. It moves so fast you just won't really get some of the stuff. If you have read the book then you will me mad b/c it doesn't stick with the book. It changes things - moves and adds and keeps things out of the movie that were in the book.

And the acting...oh my gosh. It was so incredibly painful. But now I can see these actors as the characters as I read the book. Well, almost. Carlisle looks like a Ken doll in the movie, but I think it is just his hair...And Charlie just looks creepy to me. And Edwards Volvo looks like a station wagon (OK, dumb, but still a little disappointing!).

I just don't know what to say. I didn't expect much, but I expected a little more than this. I am glad I saw it because it gives me a better visual of the characters, but that is all it did for me.

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