Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year, Fresh Start

I did an excellent job of keeping my New Year's Resolutions last year. I kept every single one. Can I do it again this year?
  • Find a weekly grocery budget that is realistic (minus meat) and stick to it. No idea on the number just yet. I plan to have that settled by the end of Jan.
  • Read 12 books this year. May not sound like much, but at the end of the day I just want to sleep, not read. So one book a month is a realistic goal for me.
  • Make and keep a regular workout schedule...but don't beat myself up if that week gets hectic and it doesn't go at planned. Some weeks are just that way. I met my weight loss goal from last year but I want to tone up a bit.
  • We set some financial goals as a family that I would like to achieve this year.
  • Cut back to ONE Starbucks drink a week. The girl at the drive through knows my drink order and she asks where little man is when I pull through without him. I frequent that establishment too often. (That will also assist in the resolution listed previously!)
  • Find 2 new dinner recipes a month. Sound easy, but finding recipes that sound good lately is proving to be very difficult.
  • Don't sweat the small stuff (like when Andrew cleans up the toys and they aren't where I would put them). I am bad about letting small insignificant things bother me. And let me tell you...they can be unnoticeable to you...but will drive me bonkers until it is fixed. I want to try and chill out a little bit.
I have set quite a few, but none of them are unachievable. Here is to a wonderful 2011! See you next year!

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