Friday, February 19, 2010


Our tooth count is now up to two! They are coming in different than I expected. Everything I read said that they would get the two front bottoms followed by the two front top. OK. Well he got the bottom front right...and then got his top front left. This could make for an interesting smile.

Something I also read in many books/websites? That the first tooth is the worst but it gets better with each tooth. Yeah, not so much. The first two was rough, but nothing compared to the newest one. He had two really bad nights when his first tooth broke through the gums. But the newest tooth he is sporting came with FOUR horribly rough nights. Now that the entire thing has made its way through I hope to get at least one night of peaceful rest. I can see the other top tooth is not far behind. And Andrew is out of town all next week and I am left to handle this alone. I won't lie - I am terrified.

I decided that if I were to write a parenting book these would be a few things I would stress:
  • Colic - is blows. First check try to find a solution on your own (new bottles??). Then approach the doctor. Don't wait and don't take "he will grow out of it" as an answer. I waited too long and refuse to go down that road again. Next time I won't feel helpless.
  • Sleep training - I think the appropriate age is different for each baby. Colin was good and ready at 5 months. Had we started at 4 months I don't think it would have taken. He just wasn't there. My own instinct told me when the right time to try was. I used a book as a guide on how to do it, not when.
  • Sleep Training (2) - you will have to do it again. Because just when you think it is finally permanent (you know, after a month and a half of peaceful sleep) that sharp edged tooth will work its way between your kiddos gums and subsequently your head and your pillow.
  • Teeth - don't believe that the worst is over after the first. Prepare for a long drawn out process for each tooth (this is how is appears to be going for me. Assume the worst and you will be pleasantly surprised if it goes easier!)

I am ready for this little guy to be back already! Please let the following teeth be at least as easy as the first one.

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