Thursday, February 4, 2010

Project Life: This week in pictures

Each section in my PL book will start on a Friday, since that was what Jan 1 was on this year. Here are my pictures from this week:

We had playtime in the hallway Monday night. We play where ever Colin decides.

Colin stayed with Grant and Miss Hallie Tuesday. I am so thankful for Hallie!! I never worry about Colin when he is with her.

Daddy is being silly and making Colin laugh.

I am copying Casey and her turn the dining room into a play room idea. Since we have no upstairs or bonus room and we NEVER use our dining room we are turning it into a play area for Colin and his stuff. I was very excited b/c this means I get to move the nice table and chairs, curtains, and wall decorations into the kitchen. I love it! Now I just need to find a toy box I like that isn't on back order. The former dining room is in a chaotic state right now. Thanks Casey for inspiring that great idea!

My PL book comes in today and I am excited to get started!

Also, I hope you got the invite to the Tastefully Simple Party. E-Vite was not cooperating and so I gave up on that. Please feel free to invite anyone that would be interested. I only invited a few people b/c I hate sending invites to people who probably wouldn't enjoy it and might hate me for my "spam" mail.


  1. Aww... Im so glad you dont worry when I keep him! He's such a good boy and we enjoy having him! Grant looks a little cross-eyed in that picture but I think its so sweet how G's arm is around him! :)
